I belong to a writing group called Five minute Friday. Each week they give us one word and we have 5 minutes to write on that topic. We then share our unedited writing with others in the group. The word for this week is: She.
She was born into a family who was supposed to love her. They fed, rocked and changed her. Soon after, as a little girl, dishes flew before her and crashed onto plaster walls. She reached up her hand to find solace in theirs, but they were nowhere to be found. She got used to their withdrawal and deemed herself unworthy of love. Then one day she heard a whisper from the One who was always with her. "I adopted you, my daughter." She found love and comfort she had never known. Her Father showed her she was fearfully and wonderfully made. He made her worthy of the purest love. She was redeemed.
Amen Tina. Thank you for sharing this blessed story of eternal love today. Blessings.
Visiting from FMF#8
Redeemed. Bought. Paid For. Sealed.
In praise of missionary nuns...
She wandered through a world gone mad,
muzzle-flashes in the night,
and then appeared, not Galahad,
but another sort of knight
with modest habit, kindly eyes,
a rosary held loose in her hand,
a loving touch to soothe sad cries
said with no word, "I understand.
You think you have no place to go,
but there are others, just like you,
and soon, dear heart, you'll come to know
a Love that is forever true
so come, child, yes! Pluck up your nerve
and come to meet the God I serve."
#1 at FMF this week.
Beautiful redemption. He takes the broken and makes it whole.
Glad she found love and belonging in the arms of the ultimate giver of love.
Visiting from #FMF5